Bible Studies
There are several bible studies which you can be a part of. To get involved find one of the studies below that suit your timetable and contact either the church office through the contact us page, or chat to the bible study leader at church.
- 8.30am - 10.00am women’s Bible study led by Rhonda Rutledge
- 7.00pm - 8.30pm women’s Bible study led by Lyn Elsholz
9.00am - 10.15 mixed Bible study led by Craig Langstaff
7.30pm - 9.00pm mixed Bible study led by Peter Stavert
- 10.00am - 12.00 noon fortnightly women’s KYB Bible study led by Maree Stavert
- 7.oopm - 8.00pm men’s Bible study led by Craig Langstaff
- 4.00pm - 4.45pm Youth Bible Study led by Craig and Corinne Langstaff
The Spot is a chance to meet new and old friends from the Shoalhaven Heads community. Share in a friendly and informal time with a short bible talk, followed by a light lunch and entertainment, all for just $6 to cover the costs.
When: 11.45-1.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of most months
Where: Shoalhaven Heads Community Centre
For catering purposes it would be helpful for you to let us know you are coming by the Thursday prior by contacting Robyn or Lyn, include any transport or dietary needs.
Robyn Henry - 4448 5611 Lyn Elsholz - 0402 781 849 or email us:
Equip is an annual woman's conference that we stream and is a great opportunity to come and be encouraged in women's fellowship. There is teaching, prayer and a great chance to share/hear how God is working in the lives of women in the South Coast.