Kids Church
Kids Church is the umbrella term for our Sunday morning kids ministries. Kids Church is held at the same time as our 10:15 am Family Service. All the kids join in for the first part of the service, because we want them to know that St Peter's is their church, not just for the grownups.
The younger ones, aged up to year two, head out for Kids Church after the 'kids spot'. Your children will be well looked after by trained helpers and given Bible teaching appropriate for their age. And, best of all, they'll enjoy it and want to come again.
From year two and up, we have the Breakfast Club. Brekky Club is held in the rectory and boasts a popular 'second breakfast' option. It seeks to help kids grow into their teenage years, and to develop for themselves a mature faith in Christ.
Kids Club
St Peter's Kids Club meets every Friday during school term from 3:30 to 5: 00 pm.
Kids Club is for children in years K - 4. The leaders work hard to ensure kids of all ages are catered for and have fun together.
For Kids Club you can download our standard permission, or grab one when you first visit.
Play Time
Play Time is a playgroup for babies, pre-schoolers and their carers. We get together between 9:30 and 11:30 on Thursday mornings during school term. Typically, the morning starts with free play, then singing and story time, then morning tea followed by craft.
The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly and the morning teas are great! You and your children will be most welcome at Play Time.
For Play Time you can download our standard permission, or grab one when you first visit.