As a Church we understand that we are called to take the gospel to all nations. We currently support several mission outreaches.

Nick and Kysha Davies
Nick and Kysha live in Lima, where they are currently studying Spanish in preparation for their work with MOCLAM, an organisation dedicated to training church leaders in Spanish-speaking countries. They work under the auspices of CMS. It's our great pleasure to partner with Nick and Kysha, even if they do keep trying to make us drink strange soft drinks of Peruvian origin!
We have now partnered with Nick and Kysha for 7 years. Click here to view their video marking the occasion!
In NSW Public Schools, up to one hour per week of Special Religious Education is recognised by the State Government as an integral part of the school's activities.
THREE16 is the body charged with the privilege of bringing the good news of Christ to teenagers in the four public High Schools in the northern Shoalhaven area.
THREE16 employs four full-time and two part-time teachers, one of whom, Amelia McLellan serves at the local High School and attends the evening service. THREE16 is financed by gifts from the churches and individuals. No money is received from the Government. This is a unique and urgent ministry funded by the Christian Churches and filling the opportunity to share God's love to over 2,500 students each timetable cycle.
Pray for the supporters of this ministry and those who coordinate it, for the teachers and for the students as they explore faith, for life.
We also support Paet through compassion. Paet attends school in Thailand and she enjoys her local Sunday school and her Health subject in school. She lives with her mother, who works as a day labourer and her three siblings. Her birthday is on the 12th of May.